Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Citrus in North Carolina

Alright, of course you can't grow citrus in North Carolina, but it sure felt like you could today. It was up over 70 F and I got to go for a run in t-shirts in shorts. Far cry from what the temperature was in Vermont last week. Oatmeal just wasn't enough this morning, so I cut up a Cara Cara navel orange. I thought the early light striking the juice sacs made for a nice picture, well if you are into horticulture anyway. The Cara Cara navel is much more red internally than this. This particular cultivar of navel has lots of the carotenoid pigment lycopene like pink grapefruit or tomato or watermelon. I have seen some that were as dark pink/red as a 'Flame' ruby grapefruit.

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