The gym I joined here in North Carolina offers a free fitness evaluation as a perk. I had never had one of these before, so I thought it would be a good idea and it was free. So here for the whole world to see are my fitness stats or lack thereof.
Age: 37.93 years (very accurate)
Non smokermoderate regular physical activityheight: 68"
weight: 162 lbs (this was after my coffee)
STRENGTHBench press: you had to bench 80lbs repeatedly to the beat of a metronome for as long as you could I did 22 before my rythm (make that muscles) gave out. The ePhysiologic software rated that as
Good for my age.
Abdominal crunches: you had one minute to do as many as you could. I did 37, rating:
HandGrip Dynamometer: measures grip strength. My best a 36, rating
Poor. The trainer said I need to work on this one.
Sit and Reach: Ancient torture device to measure flexibility. My best a 16, rating
BODY COMPOSITIONLean weight: 134.40 lbs
Fat weight: 27.60 lbs (mostly spare tire, but some probably in my cranium)
%Body Fat: 17%
Average for men my age: 15-21%
Interpretation: I was in my target weight and body composition zone, so I have no increased risk of death due to cardio disease. However, lowering my body fat could improve my performance in endurance activities. The software also advised that I not lose too much weight as that might be adverse to my health. At age 37.93 I am really not concerned about losing too much weight, not with the way I like to eat anyway.
AEROBIC CAPACITYStationary bicycle riding with increasing resistance.
Result: Average. I was a little suprised at this one. I tend to do aerobic exercise a few times a week. I guess I need to do a little more.
Well there it is. Doesn't look like I will expire tomorrow, but there is still more work to do. Especially on my grip. I am going to blame that one on computers.