Well, I guess boys will be boys and play with their toys for far too long, but make no mistake about it this guy is not your run of the mill dictator. Based on everything I have read he is a certifiably insane megalomaniac.
I truly think he takes pride in taking a poke at the hole world with a potentially nuclear stick. If his scientists were actually capable of detonating a primitive nuke, it is a whole new ballgame out there.
The really scary thing about this guy is I don't think he can be bought. He is in for ego and legacy not money.
I wanted to post these random Internet pictures to humor myself, but they don't even make me smile right now....not even a little.
A different thread
1 week ago
Well, take some comfort in that even if he did manage to make a nuke (which no one can prove he did yet, and they've said if it was one, it wasn't that impressive based on seismic readings) he apparently doesn't have anything to deliver it with. You may remember his previous missile test was a complete failure.
And there are some people that actually think he's desparate to engage the US in one on one talks to give some legitamcy to his own government and possibly fend off a takeover by China (which you know is coming, one has to believe they're just waiting for the country to implode at this point).
I hope your take on things is correct. The world doesn't need one more crisis at the moment.
To be honest, you're probably just thinking about the implications more now that you have a kid on the way. I know I did the same thing before Quinn was born. And it was slightly after he was born when the occaisional panic attacks started. :-)
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